All You Ever Wanted to Know about Cicadas

More than You Ever Wanted to Know about Cicadas

This was the year of the cicadas, specifically the 17 year cicadas.  They were unbelievably numerous and loud here where I live. Their 17 year life cycle is so unusual that I thought I would check it out. Below is material googled on the internet from the University of Connecticut. 

General Periodical Cicada Information

Periodical cicadas are found only in eastern North America. There are seven species — four with 13-year life cycles and three with 17-year cycles. The three 17-year species are generally northern in distribution, while the 13-year species are generally southern and midwestern… Magicicada are so synchronized developmentally that they are nearly absent as adults in the 12 or 16 years between emergences. When they do emerge after their long juvenile periods, they do so in huge numbers, forming much denser aggregations than those achieved by most other cicadas.

Many people know periodical cicadas by the name “17-year locusts” or “13-year locusts”, but they are not true locusts, which are a type of grasshopper.

Cicada juveniles are called “nymphs” and live underground, sucking root fluids for food. Periodical cicadas spend five juvenile stages in their underground burrows, and during their 13 or 17 years underground they grow from approximately the size of a small ant to nearly the size of an adult.

Periodical cicada nymphs live underground for 13 or 17 years, keeping track of seasonal cycles (Karban et al. 2000) through some as-yet unknown mechanism.  In the spring of their 13th or 17th year, a few weeks before emerging, the nymphs construct exit tunnels to the surface, with exit holes roughly 1/2 inch in diameter. Emerging nymphs leave their burrows after sunset (usually), locate a suitable spot on nearby vegetation, and complete their final molt to adulthood.

After their short teneral period, males begin producing species-specific calling songs and form aggregations (choruses) that are sexually attractive to females. Males in these choruses alternate bouts of singing with short flights until they locate receptive females.  

Contrary to popular belief, adults do feed by sucking plant fluids; adult cicadas will die if not provided with living woody vegetation on which to feed. Adult Magicicada feed from a wide variety of deciduous plants and shrubs, but usually not from grasses.

Mated females excavate a series of Y-shaped eggnests in living twigs and lay up to twenty eggs in each nest. A female may lay as many as 600 eggs.

After six to ten weeks, the eggs hatch and the new first-instar nymphs drop from the trees, burrow underground, locate a suitable rootlet for feeding, and begin their long 13- or 17-year development. By the time that the nymphs hatch, the adults have died.

Periodical cicadas achieve astounding population densities, as high as 1.5 million per acre. Densities of tens to hundreds of thousands per acre are more common, but even this is far beyond the natural abundance of most other cicada species. Apparently because of their long life cycles and synchronous emergences, periodical cicadas escape natural population control by predators, even though everything from birds to spiders to snakes to dogs eats them opportunistically when they do appear. 

Other Common North American non-periodical cicadas include the large, greenish “dog-day” cicadas (genus Neotibicen) found throughout the U.S. in the summer. Non-periodical cicadas are often called “annual cicadas” (even though they typically have multiple-year life cycles) because in a given location adults emerge every year. The best way to identify cicada species is by the sounds that they make, because cicada songs are nearly always species-specific.

Pretty amazing, huh? It really was unbelievable. They covered everything for maybe a week and a half, and then, poof, were gone. How could a brainless bug know when 15 or 17 years have passed?

Well, that’s the point, isn’t it? They were made that way. Doesn’t it blow your mind away how God orchestrates his creation, even to bugs that sleep for 17 years? Each part of creation is interconnected with the parts around it. Each part interacts with and depends on the others. I’m not sure what good cicadas are to the environment but there must be something they do. Maybe all the holes they make aerate the soil.  

The point here is that we have an amazing God that has all the details already worked out. God doesn’t wait to the last minute to accomplish his purpose in our lives anymore than he does to the cicadas. We have a faithful God who never fails in his promises and will never fail us. So, the next time God seems distant, or you are wondering where he is, just remember the cicadas. When the time is right, God will bring you out of whatever is holding you back. And you will sign his praises. I just hope you sound better than the cicadas do. 

Matthew 6:25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?

Psalm 100:5  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.

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